Quotation Management System

Quotation Management System

Barrage's Quotation Management System is a tool designed to help businesses streamline their sales process by automating the generation, management, and tracking of quotes.

The system increases efficiency, reduce errors and save time by automating the quote creation process. It also allows businesses to keep track of quotes and their status, making it easier to follow up on quotes that have not yet been accepted or rejected. It can also be integrated with our sales and customer relationship management (CRM) tools, providing a centralized and comprehensive view of the sales process.

By automating the quote process and improving the accuracy of quotes, The system can help businesses close more deals and increase overall sales.

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What We Provide:

Quote Creation

Powerful Layout with Responsive functionality that can be adapted to any screen size. Resize browser to view.

Product and Price Management

Looks beautiful & ultra-sharp on Retina Screen Displays. Retina Icons, Fonts & all others graphics are optimized.

Approval Workflow

Canvas includes tons of optimized code that are completely customizable and deliver unmatched fast performance.

Quote Tracking

Canvas included 20+ custom designed Slider Pages with Premium Sliders like Layer, Revolution, Swiper & others.

Reporting and Analytics

Change the color scheme of the Theme in a flash just by changing the 6-digit HEX code in the colors.php file.

Mobile Access

Use any Font you like from Google Web Fonts, Typekit or other Web Fonts. They will blend in perfectly.